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You can get started by using the connection flags or by using a configuration file with the connection params.

$ dblab [flags] 


$ dblab [command]

Available Commands

help Help about any command
version The version of the project


Flag Type Description
--cfg-name string Database config name section
--config Get the connection data from a config file (default is $HOME/.dblab.yaml or the current directory)
--db string Database name
--driver string Database driver
-h, --help help for dblab
--host string Server host name or IP
--limit int Size of the result set from the table content query (should be greater than zero, otherwise the app will error out) (default 100)
--pass string Password for user
--port string Server port
--schema string Database schema (postgres only)
--socket string Path to a Unix socket file
--ssl string SSL mode
-u, --url string Database connection string
--user string Database user

Use dblab [command] --help for more information about a command.

If the query panel is active, type the desired query and press Ctrl+Space to see the results on the rows panel below. Otherwise, you might me located at the tables panel, then you can navigate by using the arrows Up and Down (or the keys k and j respectively).

If you want to see the rows of a table, press Enter.

To see the schema of a table, locate yourself on the rows panel and press Ctrl+S to switch to the structure panel, then switch Ctrl+S to switch back.

The same can be achieved for the constraints view by pressing Ctrl+F to go back and forth between the rows and the constraints panels.

Now, there's a menu to navigate between hidden views by just clicking on the desired options:

Alt Text Alt Text Alt Text Alt Text

As you may have noticed, navigation has already been added, so every time you query the content of a listed table, the result set is going to be paginated. This allows to the user dealing with large tables, optimizing resources. Just hit the BACK and NEXT buttons to go back and forth.

Key Bindings

Key Description
Ctrl+Space If the query panel is active, execute the query
Enter If the tables panel is active, list all the rows as a result set on the rows panel and display the structure of the table on the structure panel
Ctrl+S If the rows panel is active, switch to the schema panel. The opposite is true
Ctrl+F If the rows panel is active, switch to the constraints view. The opposite is true
Ctrl+I If the rows panel is active, switch to the indexes view. The opposite is true
Ctrl+H Toggle to the panel on the left
Ctrl+J Toggle to the panel below
Ctrl+K Toggle to the panel above
Ctrl+L Toggle to the panel on the right
Arrow Up Next row of the result set on the panel. Views: rows, table, constraints, structure and indexes
k Next row of the result set on the panel. Views: rows, table, constraints, structure and indexes
Arrow Down Previous row of the result set on the panel. Views: rows, table, constraints, structure and indexes
j Previous row of the result set on the panel. Views: rows, table, constraints, structure and indexes
Arrow Right Horizontal scrolling on the panel. Views: rows, constraints, structure and indexes
l Horizontal scrolling on the panel. Views: rows, constraints, structure and indexes
Arrow Left Horizontal scrolling on the panel. Views: rows, constraints, structure and indexes
h Horizontal scrolling on the panel. Views: rows, constraints, structure and indexes
Ctrl+c Quit

Connection Examples

You can start the app without passing flags or parameters, so then an interactive command prompt will ask for the connection details.

Alt Text

Otherwise, you can explicitly include the connection details using multiple parameters:

dblab --host localhost --user myuser --db users --pass password --ssl disable --port 5432 --driver postgres --limit 50
dblab --db path/to/file.sqlite3 --driver sqlite

Connection URL scheme is also supported:

dblab --url postgres://user:password@host:port/database?sslmode=[mode]
dblab --url mysql://user:password@tcp(host:port)/db
dblab --url file:test.db?cache=shared&mode=memory

if you're using PostgreSQL, you have the option to define the schema you want to work with, the default value is public.

dblab --host localhost --user myuser --db users --pass password --schema myschema --ssl disable --port 5432 --driver postgres --limit 50
dblab --url postgres://user:password@host:port/database?sslmode=[mode] --schema myschema

As a request made in #125, support for MySQL/MariaDB sockets was integrated.

dblab --url "mysql://user:password@unix(/path/to/socket/mysql.sock)/dbname?charset=utf8"
dblab --socket /path/to/socket/mysql.sock --user user --db dbname --pass password --ssl disable --port 5432 --driver mysql --limit 50

Now, it is possible to ensure SSL connections with PostgreSQL databases. SSL related parameters has been added, such as --sslcert, --sslkey, --sslpassword, --sslrootcert. More information on how to use such connection flags can be found here.

dblab --host --user myuser --db users --pass password --schema myschema --port 5432 --driver postgres --limit 50 --ssl require --sslrootcert ~/Downloads/foo.crt


Entering the parameters and flags every time you want to use it is tedious, so dblab provides a couple of flags to help with it: --config and --cfg-name.

dblab is going to look for a file called .dblab.yaml. Currently, there are three places where you can drop a config file:

  • $HOME ($HOME/.dblab.yaml)
  • . (the current directory where you run the command line tool)

If you want to use this feature, --config is mandatory and --cfg-name may be omitted. The config file can store one or multiple database connection sections under the database field. database is an array, previously was an object only able to store a single connection section at a time.

We strongly encourgae you to adopt the new format as of v0.18.0. --cfg-name takes the name of the desired database section to connect with. It can be omitted and its default values will be the first item on the array.

As of v0.21.0, ssl connections options are supported in the config file.

dbladb --config
dblab --config --cfg-name "prod"

.dblab.yaml example:

  - name: "test"
    host: "localhost"
    port: 5432
    db: "users"
    password: "password"
    user: "postgres"
    driver: "postgres"
    # optional
    # postgres only
    # default value: public
    schema: "myschema"
  - name: "prod"
    # example endpoint
    host: ""
    port: 5432
    db: "users"
    password: "password"
    user: "postgres"
    schema: "public"
    driver: "postgres"
    ssl: "require"
    sslrootcert: "~/.postgresql/root.crt."
# should be greater than 0, otherwise the app will error out
limit: 50

Or for sqlite:

  - name: "prod"
    db: "path/to/file.sqlite3"
    driver: "sqlite"

Only the host and ssl fields are optionals. and disable, respectively.